Hey all! It’s time for a new website and some new work. So here you go! I’ve been working alongside the Hive Design Group (hivedesigngrp.com) to help rebuild my website and create a new online store for my art work. Shout out to Oliver who has been stellar and instrumental in this process. He’s been picking up everything I’ve been laying down and making it stick! I hope you like what you see!
I’ve also been laying out some new work. My latest works have been stencils on upcycled card board boxes, specifically Montana spray paint boxes. These are the boxes that my spray paint cans come in. Why throw them out? (says the artist hoarder in me). I love the fallouts, handle holes, and tears on the boxes. I’ve always found it’s easier to start a piece of art on a surface that already had a former life: as to existing text, surface blemishes, or other images left behind. I then make my work/image play or interact with those found images or make my color pallets align with them. I think of it as a contemporary collage or another form of mixed media.
I’ve been pulling a few different color pallets with each of my stencils. This one was painted in rainbow progression. Even the hair is a dark burgundy purple color, although it appears black in the photo. Other variations of this image can be found in my gallery or store. Does one color pallet connect with you better? I’d love to know which one and why.
These works will be available soon in person at E11even 2 Gallery (e11even2.com) and in my online store.